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By: Harry Leon Wilson (1867-1939)

Merton of the Movies by Harry Leon Wilson Merton of the Movies

Merton of the Movies is a comedy that centers around Merton Gill, an aspiring dramatic artist from Simsbury, Illinois who makes his way to Hollywood to become a serious actor. How could Merton fail in attaining his dreams after finishing a correspondence course from the General Film Production Company of Stebbinsville, Arkansas, certifying him to be a competent screen actor? Harry Leon Wilson, the author, was a very popular humor writer in the first decades of the 20th century. This book was made into film several times, the last in 1947 starring Red Skelton.

Book cover The Seeker
Book cover The Boss of Little Arcady
Book cover The Spenders A Tale of the Third Generation
Book cover The Lions of the Lord A Tale of the Old West
Book cover The Wrong Twin
Book cover Somewhere in Red Gap
Book cover Ma Pettengill
Ewing's Lady by Harry Leon Wilson Ewing's Lady

By: Frederick Litchfield

Illustrated History of Furniture by Frederick Litchfield Illustrated History of Furniture

From the Earliest to the Present TimeBy Frederick Litchfield.PREFACE.In the following pages the Author has placed before the reader an account of the changes in the design of Decorative Furniture and Woodwork, from the earliest period of which we have any reliable or certain record until the present time. A careful selection of illustrations has been made from examples of established authenticity, the majority of which are to be seen, either in the Museums to which reference is made, or by permission of the owners; and the representations of the different interiors will convey an idea of the character and disposition of the furniture of the periods to which they refer...

By: Samuel Smiles (1812-1904)

Lives of the Engineers (George and Robert Stephenson) by Samuel Smiles Lives of the Engineers (George and Robert Stephenson)

George Stephenson did not invent the steam engine, that was due to Newcomen and later to James Watt. He did not invent the steam locomotive, that was due to a number of people including Cugnot, Trevithick and others. He did not invent the Railway. Railways or tramways had been in use for two hundred years before Stephenson.The reason why Stephenson was known as ‘The father of the steam locomotive’ was that he took a primitive, unreliable and wholly uneconomic device and turning it into an efficient...

Book cover Men of Invention and Industry
Book cover The Life of Thomas Telford; civil engineer with an introductory history of roads and travelling in Great Britain
Book cover The Huguenots in France
Book cover A Boy's Voyage Round the World
Book cover Jasmin: Barber, Poet, Philanthropist
Book cover A Publisher and His Friends Memoir and Correspondence of John Murray; with an Account of the Origin and Progress of the House, 1768-1843

By: Robert W. Chambers (1865-1933)

Book cover The Hidden Children
Book cover The Gay Rebellion
Book cover A Young Man in a Hurry and Other Short Stories
Book cover Barbarians
Book cover The Green Mouse
Book cover The Crimson Tide A Novel
Book cover The Dark Star
Book cover The Younger Set
Slayer of Souls by Robert W. Chambers Slayer of Souls

Tressa Norne is an American living in China. After her life was spared during a revolution in the area, Tressa finds herself taken as a slave and forced to serve Erlik, a demon-god, and his cult. She ends up escaping back to America, but only to find that she is being followed by the Secret Service, and her former masters. (Ann Boulais)

Book cover Lorraine A romance
Book cover The Danger Mark
Book cover The Common Law
Book cover The Reckoning
Book cover Athalie
Book cover The Maids of Paradise

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