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By: Ezra Meeker (1830-1928)

Ox-Team Days on the Oregon Trail by Ezra Meeker Ox-Team Days on the Oregon Trail

Ezra Meeker…was an early pioneer who traveled the Oregon Trail by ox cart as a young man. Beginning in his 70s, he worked tirelessly to memorialize the trail, repeatedly retracing the trip of his youth. This book is a memoir of those days.

By: Ouida (1839-1908)

A Dog of Flanders by Ouida A Dog of Flanders

"Nello and Patrasche were left all alone in the world." So begins the poignant story of the two orphans who were to become inseparable companions. They were Nello, an orphaned youth, and Patrasche, the dog which he and his grandfather saved from near death one day. The tale takes place outside of Antwerp, and so popular has this story become that there is a commemorative statue of Nello and Patrasche standing in the village yet today. The story is powerful, and masterfully written by Marie Louise de la Ramée under the pseudonym Ouida.

By: Eugène Sue (1804-1857)

The Mysteries of Paris, Volume 1 by Eugène Sue The Mysteries of Paris, Volume 1

The Mysteries of Paris (French: Les Mystères de Paris) is a novel by Eugène Sue which was published serially in Journal des débats from June 19, 1842 until October 15, 1843. Les Mystères de Paris singlehandedly increased the circulation of Journal des débats. There has been lots of talk on the origins of the French novel of the 19th century: Stendhal, Balzac, Dumas, Gautier, Sand or Hugo. One often forgets Eugène Sue. Still, The Mysteries of Paris occupies a unique space in the birth of this...

Book cover The Wandering Jew
Book cover The Abbatial Crosier or Bonaik and Septimine. A Tale of a Medieval Abbess
Book cover The Executioner's Knife Or Joan of Arc
The Galley Slave's Ring or The Family of Lebrenn. A Tale of The French Revolution of 1848 by Eugène Sue The Galley Slave's Ring or The Family of Lebrenn. A Tale of The French Revolution of 1848
Book cover Avarice-Anger: two of the seven cardinal sins
Book cover Luxury-Gluttony: two of the seven cardinal sins
Book cover Pride one of the seven cardinal sins
Book cover The Carlovingian Coins Or The Daughters of Charlemagne. A Tale of the Ninth Century
The Blacksmith's Hammer, or The Peasant Code A Tale of the Grand Monarch by Eugène Sue The Blacksmith's Hammer, or The Peasant Code A Tale of the Grand Monarch
Book cover A Cardinal Sin
The Sword of Honor, volumes 1 & 2 or The Foundation of the French Republic, A Tale of The French Revolution by Eugène Sue The Sword of Honor, volumes 1 & 2 or The Foundation of the French Republic, A Tale of The French Revolution
The Pocket Bible or Christian the Printer A Tale of the Sixteenth Century by Eugène Sue The Pocket Bible or Christian the Printer A Tale of the Sixteenth Century
The Iron Arrow Head or The Buckler Maiden A Tale of the Northman Invasion by Eugène Sue The Iron Arrow Head or The Buckler Maiden A Tale of the Northman Invasion
The Pilgrim's Shell or Fergan the Quarryman A Tale from the Feudal Times by Eugène Sue The Pilgrim's Shell or Fergan the Quarryman A Tale from the Feudal Times
The Iron Trevet or Jocelyn the Champion A Tale of the Jacquerie by Eugène Sue The Iron Trevet or Jocelyn the Champion A Tale of the Jacquerie
Book cover The Silver Cross or The Carpenter of Nazareth
The Branding Needle, or The Monastery of Charolles A Tale of the First Communal Charter by Eugène Sue The Branding Needle, or The Monastery of Charolles A Tale of the First Communal Charter
Book cover A Romance of the West Indies
Book cover The Infant's Skull Or The End of the World. A Tale of the Millennium
Book cover The Iron Pincers or Mylio and Karvel A Tale of the Albigensian Crusades
Book cover Gold Sickle

The Gold Sickle; or, Hena the Virgin of the Isle of Sen. A Tale of Druid Gaul is the first part of Eugène Sue's The Mysteries of the People; or, History of a Proletarian Family Across the Ages, in which he intended to produce a comprehensive "universal history," dating from the beginning of the present era down to his own days. Sue's own socialist leanings made this history that of the "successive struggles of the successively ruled with the successively ruling classes". In the first volume we meet the Gallic chief Joel, whose descendants will typify the oppressed throughout the suite of novels...

Book cover The Casque's Lark or Victoria, The Mother of The Camps
Book cover The Brass Bell or, The Chariot of Death
Book cover The Poniard's Hilt Or Karadeucq and Ronan. A Tale of Bagauders and Vagres

By: Russel Doubleday (1872-1949)

Stories of Inventors by Russel Doubleday Stories of Inventors

Doubleday chronicles the history of everyday inventions that form the foundation of technology now common through the world. While some of the inventions are no longer used, each example shows how inventors contributed to technology through perseverance, inspiration and clever observations. In each chapter, he gives a clear, understandable background of the technology.Many of the now outdated inventions may have inspired later inventions by meeting emerging demands. For example, Edison's filament bulb is now being phased out by more efficient CFL's, but Edison's contribution to indoor lighting likewise removed the need for inefficient gas-burning lamps...

By: Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin (1799-1837)

Book cover Eugene Oneguine [Onegin] A Romance of Russian Life in Verse
Book cover The Queen Of Spades
Book cover Boris Godunov: a drama in verse

By: Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837)

Book cover Daughter of the Commandant

"The Daughter of the Commandant" (better known as "The Captain's Daughter") is a historical novel by the Russian writer Alexander Pushkin, and is considered to be his finest prose work. The novel is a romanticized account of Pugachev's Rebellion in 1773-1774. The 17-year-old Pyotr Andreyich is sent by his father to military service in a remote Russian outpost, where he leans honor and love while being caught up in a violent uprising of tribal groups against the imperial government.

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