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By: Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823-1901)

Book cover A Book of Golden Deeds
Sowing and Sewing A Sexagesima Story by Charlotte Mary Yonge Sowing and Sewing A Sexagesima Story
Book cover Abbeychurch
Book cover Unknown to History: a story of the captivity of Mary of Scotland
Book cover The Caged Lion
Book cover Young Folks' History of England
Book cover Armourer's Prentices

Set in the sixteenth century, two young boys are left orphans and are turned out of their home by their older brother, or, more particularly, his shrewish wife. John has taken over their father's position as verdurer, but what are young Ambrose and Stephen to do? Visit and seek counsel from their old and infirm uncle, who lives on charity after leading a military life? Or chase the dream of finding their ne'er-do-well maternal uncle, who has reputedly made his fortune in the king's court.

Book cover The Chaplet of Pearls
Book cover The Prince and the Page; a story of the last crusade
Book cover The Three Brides
Book cover Heartsease, Or, the Brother's Wife
Book cover Beechcroft at Rockstone
Book cover Pioneers and Founders or, Recent Workers in the Mission field
Book cover The Young Step-Mother
Book cover Magnum Bonum
Book cover Countess Kate
Book cover Hopes and Fears or, scenes from the life of a spinster
Book cover The Long Vacation
Book cover Love and Life An Old Story in Eighteenth Century Costume
Book cover Cameos from English History, from Rollo to Edward II
Book cover Old Times at Otterbourne
Book cover That Stick
Book cover The Carbonels
Book cover A Modern Telemachus
Book cover The Pillars of the House, V1
Book cover Grisly Grisell
Book cover The Pigeon Pie
Book cover John Keble's Parishes
Book cover Friarswood Post Office
Book cover A Reputed Changeling Or Three Seventh Years Two Centuries Ago
Book cover Lady Hester, or, Ursula's Narrative
Book cover Henrietta's Wish Or, Domineering

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