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By: David Christie Murray (1847-1907)

Book cover Schwartz: A History From "Schwartz" by David Christie Murray
Book cover Bulldog And Butterfly From "Schwartz" by David Christie Murray
Book cover An Old Meerschaum From Coals Of Fire And Other Stories, Volume II. (of III.)
Book cover Young Mr. Barter's Repentance From "Schwartz" by David Christie Murray
Book cover Cruel Barbara Allen From Coals Of Fire And Other Stories, Volume II. (of III.)
Book cover The Romance Of Giovanni Calvotti From Coals Of Fire And Other Stories, Volume II. (of III.)

By: Jacob Mortimer Wier Silver

Book cover Sketches of Japanese Manners and Customs

By: Frances Anne Kemble (1809-1893)

Book cover Journal of A Residence On A Georgian Plantation, 1838-1839

Fanny Kemble was a British actress who married mega-plantation owner, Pierce Butler of Georgia. During her marriage she kept journals of everyday life, and after some years grew to detest the institution of slavery and the things Butler stood for. Kemble eventually divorced him, but it wasn't until after the Civil War had started that she published her journal about her observations and the experiences of the hundreds of African American slaves owned by her ex-husband.

By: American Anti-Slavery Society

Book cover The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 3 of 4
Book cover The Fugitive Slave Law and Its Victims Anti-Slavery Tracts No. 18

By: Fanny Kemble (1809-1893)

Book cover Records of a Girlhood

By: American Anti-Slavery Society

Book cover The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
Book cover The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 2 of 4

By: Fanny Kemble (1809-1893)

Book cover Records of Later Life

By: Henry Wood (1814-1887)

Book cover Verner's Pride
Book cover Elster's Folly A Novel

By: Mrs. Henry Wood (1814-1887)

Book cover Channings

This is a saga about life in a small town in England during the Victorian era. The "stars" of this saga are the Channings. Mr. Channing was ill and, because of his poverty, his six children have to work. Many things happen during this saga: a man confesses to a theft which he thinks his brother did, a lady is engaged to a gentleman much above her station, and so much more. But in the middle of all this you can find plenty of family love.

By: Arthur Symons (1865-1945)

Book cover Poems of Coleridge
Book cover Plays, Acting and Music A Book Of Theory

By: American Anti-Slavery Society

Book cover The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 1 of 4
Book cover The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 4 of 4

By: Arthur Symons (1865-1945)

Book cover An Introduction to the Study of Browning

By: Elbridge Streeter Brooks (1846-1902)

Historic Girls by Elbridge Streeter Brooks Historic Girls

Twelve short stories of real girls who have influenced the history of their times.

By: Howard B. (Howard Benjamin) Grose (1851-1939)

Book cover Aliens or Americans?

By: Lionel D. (Lionel David) Barnett (1871-1960)

Book cover Hindu Gods And Heroes Studies in the History of the Religion of India

By: Peter Baily

Book cover Accidental Death

By: Charles Madison Curry (1869-1944)

Book cover Children's Literature A Textbook of Sources for Teachers and Teacher-Training Classes

By: Jacob Gould Schurman (1854-1942)

Book cover The Balkan Wars: 1912-1913 Third Edition

By: Edward Hutton (1875-1969)

Book cover Florence and Northern Tuscany with Genoa With Sixteen Illustrations In Colour By William Parkinson And Sixteen Other Illustrations, Second Edition

By: John George Nicolay (1832-1901)

Book cover Abraham Lincoln: A History (Volume 1)

This is the biography of Abraham Lincoln, written by two of his private secretaries.

By: Elbridge Streeter Brooks (1846-1902)

Book cover The true story of Christopher Columbus, called the Great Admiral

By: George W. Foote (1850-1915)

Comic Bible Sketches Reprinted from Comic Bible Sketches Reprinted from "The Freethinker"

By: Thomas Wallace Knox (1835-1896)

Book cover Camp-Fire and Cotton-Field Southern Adventure in Time of War. Life with the Union Armies, and Residence on a Louisiana Plantation

By: Elbridge Streeter Brooks (1846-1902)

Book cover Historic Boys Their Endeavours, Their Achievements, and Their Times

By: Jacob Gould Schurman (1854-1942)

Book cover The Balkan Wars 1912-1913

By: John Hay (1835-1905)

Book cover The Bread-winners A Social Study

By: George W. Foote (1850-1915)

Book cover Bible Romances First Series

By: Edward Hutton (1875-1969)

Book cover Ravenna, a Study

By: George W. Foote (1850-1915)

Book cover Prisoner for Blasphemy

By: René Bazin (1853-1932)

Book cover The Ink-Stain (Tache d'encre)

By: Thomas Wallace Knox (1835-1896)

Book cover The Land of the Kangaroo Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey through the Great Island Continent

By: George W. Foote (1850-1915)

Book cover Arrows of Freethought

By: John Hay (1835-1905)

Book cover Castilian Days

By: Edward Hutton (1875-1969)

Book cover England of My Heart : Spring

By: John Hay (1835-1905)

Book cover Pike County Ballads and Other Poems

By: George W. Foote (1850-1915)

Book cover Reminiscences of Charles Bradlaugh

By: René Bazin (1853-1932)

Book cover The Children of Alsace Les Oberlés

By: John Hay (1835-1905)

Book cover Poems

By: Thomas Wallace Knox

Overland through Asia by Thomas Wallace Knox Overland through Asia

OVERLAND THROUGH ASIA: PICTURES OF SIBERIAN, CHINESE, AND TARTAR LIFEBy THOMAS W. KNOX. PREFACE. Fourteen years ago Major Perry McD. Collins traversed Northern Asia, and wrote an account, of his journey, entitled A Voyage Down the Amoor. With the exception of that volume no other work on this little known region has appeared from the pen of an American writer. In view of this fact, the author of Overland Through Asia indulges the hope that his book will not be considered a superfluous addition to the literature of his country...

By: Vladimír Nosek (1895-1964)

Book cover Independent Bohemia An Account of the Czecho-Slovak Struggle for Liberty

By: Pietro Mascagni

Book cover Zanetto; and Cavalleria Rusticana

By: Mrs. Alec-Tweedie (-1940)

Book cover A Girl's Ride in Iceland

By: Walter D. Sweeting (1839-1913)

Book cover The Cathedral Church of Peterborough A Description Of Its Fabric And A Brief History Of The Episcopal See
Book cover Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Ely A History and Description of the Building with a Short Account of the Monastery and of the See

By: Mrs. Alec-Tweedie (-1940)

Book cover Through Finland in Carts

By: William Allison Sweeney

History of the American Negro by William Allison Sweeney History of the American Negro

History Of The American Negro In The Great World WarHis Splendid Record In The Battle Zones Of Europe By W. Allison Sweeney Contributing Editor Of The Chicago Defender. CHAPTER I. SPIRITUAL EMANCIPATION OF NATIONS. The march of civilization is attended by strange influences. Providence which directs the advancement of mankind, moves in such mysterious ways that none can sense its design or reason out its import. Frequently the forces of evil are turned to account in defeating their own objects. Great tragedies, cruel wars, cataclysms of woe, have acted as enlightening and refining agents...

By: Mírzá Abu’l-Fadl Gulpáygání (1844-1914)

Book cover The Brilliant Proof (Burhäne Lämé) in reply to an attack upon the Bahai Revelation by Peter Z. Easton

“In these days,” writes the renowned Bahá’í scholar, Mírzá Abu’l-Fadl, “which are the latter days of 1911, A. D. and the early days of 1330 A. H., I have seen a curious article which astonished me. What did I see? I find that one of the missionaries of the Protestant sect, who accounts himself among the learned men of the twentieth century, a helper of the pure religion of Christ and one of the civilized and cultured occidentals, by name, Peter Z. Easton, has been so provoked by jealousy...

By: Jacques Offenbach

Book cover The Tales of Hoffmann Les contes d'Hoffmann

By: Morris J. MacGregor (1931-)

Book cover Integration of the Armed Forces, 1940-1965

By: Emile Joseph Dillon (1855-1933)

Book cover The Inside Story of the Peace Conference

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