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By: Horatio Alger (1832-1899)

Book cover From Farm to Fortune or Nat Nason's Strange Experience
Book cover Hector's Inheritance, Or, the Boys of Smith Institute
Book cover Paul Prescott's Charge
Book cover Frank and Fearless or The Fortunes of Jasper Kent
Book cover The Telegraph Boy
Book cover The Young Acrobat of the Great North American Circus
Book cover The Young Miner or Tom Nelson in California
Book cover Nothing to Eat
Book cover Andy Grant's Pluck
Book cover Frank's Campaign, or, Farm and Camp
Book cover Cast Upon the Breakers
Book cover The Store Boy
Book cover Try and Trust
Book cover The Young Adventurer or Tom's Trip Across the Plains
Book cover Phil, the Fiddler
Book cover The Young Musician ; Or, Fighting His Way

By: Horatio Alger, Jr. (1832-1899)

Book cover Helping Himself, or Grant Thornton's Ambition

Helping Himself, or Grant Thornton's Ambition deals with the grit and determination of Grant, a 15 year old farmer's boy whose father is dead and in order to pay his minister father's debts, and to help his mother deal with their abject poverty young Grant postpones his college education to take a job as a Wall Street broker's clerk. The first step is to deal with the avaricious and greedy man who is keeping them from obtaining the meager amount due them and which will at least allow them to eat...

By: Horatio Alger (1832-1899)

Book cover Chester Rand or The New Path to Fortune
Book cover Slow and Sure The Story of Paul Hoffman the Young Street-Merchant
Book cover Struggling Upward, or Luke Larkin's Luck

By: Horatio Alger, Jr. (1832-1899)

Book cover Timothy Crump's Ward

A poor family is surprised with an infant on their doorstep on New Year’s Eve with a note and monetary support requesting them to raise the child. Eight years later, the child is stolen and the family is put into more trouble trying to find her. This is a story of how love and good morals are reward with a fairy tale “happily ever after” ending.

By: Horatio Alger (1832-1899)

Book cover The Young Explorer
Book cover Luke Walton
Book cover Robert Coverdale's Struggle Or, On The Wave Of Success
Book cover Ben's Nugget A Boy's Search For Fortune
Book cover In A New World or, Among The Gold Fields Of Australia
Book cover Tom, The Bootblack or, The Road to Success
Book cover Jack's Ward

By: Horatio Alger, Jr. (1832-1899)

Book cover Grand'ther Baldwin's Thanksgiving, with Other Ballads and Poems

Horatio Alger, better known for his juvenile fiction, also penned some great poetry. His Ballads, including the 8 war poems and his odes, are collected in this volume.

By: Horatio Alger (1832-1899)

Mark Mason's Victory by Horatio Alger Mark Mason's Victory
Book cover Wait and Hope A Plucky Boy's Luck
Book cover Herbert Carter's Legacy

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