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By: Lillian Elizabeth Roy (1868-1932)

Five Little Starrs in the Canadian Forest by Lillian Elizabeth Roy Five Little Starrs in the Canadian Forest

By: Julia M. Grundy (b. 1874)

Book cover Ten Days in the Light of Acca

This work is the story of a pilgrimage made over a hundred years ago by a group of American pilgrims. They were not headed for Canterbury, Rome or Jerusalem. Rather, they were headed for an historical but remote prison-city in a far corner of the Ottoman Empire. ‘Akká (Akko), now a city in Israel which attracts thousands of Bahá’í pilgrims each year, was but little thought of in that early period. It was originally the final place of exile and imprisonment for Bahá’u’lláh, a Persian nobleman who proclaimed that He was the Promised One of all religions and Messenger of God for this day and age...

By: Joseph Kossuth Dixon (1856-1926)

Book cover The Vanishing Race

By: Franklin D. Jones

Book cover Turning and Boring A specialized treatise for machinists, students in the industrial and engineering schools, and apprentices, on turning and boring methods, etc.

By: Kenelm Winslow (1863-)

Book cover The Home Medical Library, Volume I (of VI)

By: Charles B. Towns (1862-1947)

Habits that Handicap by Charles B. Towns Habits that Handicap

Habits that Handicap is one of three novels about alcholoism and drug addiction written by Charles B. Towns. Towns was an expert on alcoholism and drug addiction who helped draft drug control legislation in the United States during the early 20th century. He also founded the Towns Hospital in New York City, which aimed at drying out the well-to-do patient.

By: Thomas Hunt Morgan (1866-1945)

Book cover A Critique of the Theory of Evolution

By: Charles Elmé Francatelli (1805-1876)

Book cover A Plain Cookery Book for the Working Classes

By: Louis Raemaekers (1869-1956)

Raemaekers' Cartoon History of the War, Volume 1 The First Twelve Months of War by Louis Raemaekers Raemaekers' Cartoon History of the War, Volume 1 The First Twelve Months of War
Book cover Raemaekers' Cartoons With Accompanying Notes by Well-known English Writers

By: Watson Smith (1845-1920)

Book cover The Chemistry of Hat Manufacturing Lectures Delivered Before the Hat Manufacturers' Association

By: Marmaduke Park

Book cover Thrilling Stories Of The Ocean From Authentic Accounts Of Modern Voyagers And Travellers; Designed For The Entertainment And Instruction Of Young People

By: William Graham Sumner (1840-1910)

Book cover Folkways A Study of the Sociological Importance of Usages, Manners, Customs, Mores, and Morals

By: Gouverneur Morris (1876-1953)

Book cover The Spread Eagle and Other Stories

By: William Graham Sumner (1840-1910)

Book cover What Social Classes Owe to Each Other

By: Marmaduke Park

Book cover Aesop, in Rhyme Old Friends in a New Dress

By: Gouverneur Morris (1876-1953)

Book cover It, and Other Stories
Book cover The Penalty
Book cover We Three
Book cover Aladdin O'Brien

By: Charles E. Hatch

Book cover The First Seventeen Years: Virginia 1607-1624

By: Egerton Ryerson Young (1840-1909)

Book cover Algonquin Indian Tales
Book cover By Canoe and Dog-Train
Book cover On the Indian Trail Stories of Missionary Work among Cree and Salteaux Indians
Book cover Three Boys in the Wild North Land
Book cover Winter Adventures of Three Boys
Book cover Oowikapun How the Gospel Reached the Nelson River Indians

By: Brother Ernest Ryan (1897-1963)

Eddie of Jackson's Gang by Brother Ernest Ryan Eddie of Jackson's Gang

Eddie. That is the only name our young, musically talented hero knew for himself. After being left at a Catholic orphanage as a young child, at the age of nine he is unwittingly adopted into a gang of thieves. Will he be able and maintain his innocence and escape their clutches? And will he ever be able to discover his true parentage?Brother Ernest Ryan was a Holy Cross Brother, the founder of and a prolific author for the Dujarie Press, a Catholic publishing house of Juvenile Saint books for children in the 1950’s and 1960’s. He wrote numerous juvenile biographical saint books for children, as well as several children's fictional titles – of which this is one.

By: Bob Hines

Book cover Ducks at a Distance A Waterfowl Identification Guide

By: Matthew Holbeche Bloxam (1805-1888)

Book cover The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, Elucidated by Question and Answer, 4th ed.

By: Grace Wood

Book cover The Art of Interior Decoration

By: Robert G. Latham (1812-1888)

Book cover A Handbook of the English Language

By: American School of Correspondence

Book cover Cyclopedia of Telephony and Telegraphy Vol. 1 A General Reference Work on Telephony, etc. etc.
Book cover Cyclopedia of Telephony and Telegraphy, Vol. 2 A General Reference Work on Telephony, etc. etc.

By: Robert G. Latham (1812-1888)

Book cover The English Language
Book cover The Ethnology of the British Islands
Book cover The Ethnology of the British Colonies and Dependencies

By: W. S. B. Mathews (1837-1912)

Book cover Popular History of the Art of Music

Preface by W.S.B. Mathews: I have here endeavored to provide a readable account of the entire history of the art of music, within the compass of a single small volume, and to treat the luxuriant and many-sided later development with the particularity proportionate to its importance, and the greater interest appertaining to it from its proximity to the times of the reader.The range of the work can be most easily estimated from the Table of Contents (pages 5-10). It will be seen that I have attempted to cover the same extent of history, in treating of which the standard musical histories of Naumann, Ambros, Fétis and others have employed from three times to ten times as much space...

By: James Francis Cooke (1875-1960)

Book cover Great Pianists on Piano Playing Study Talks with Foremost Virtuosos
Great Singers on the Art of Singing Educational Conferences with Foremost Artists by James Francis Cooke Great Singers on the Art of Singing Educational Conferences with Foremost Artists

By: W. M. Flinders Petrie (1853-1942)

Book cover Religion of Ancient Egypt

William Matthew Flinders Petrie – the father of Egyptian Archaeology – developed and applied statistical analysis to pottery from prehistoric sites and by this established seriation as a relative dating method as a major contribution to Egyptian Archaeology. In this scientific paper he describes special varieties of the conception of the supernatural in ancient Egypt. The source text also includes a list of "principal works on Egyptian religion" and a list of works "on religions ancient and modern".

Book cover Egyptian Tales, Translated from the Papyri Second series, XVIIIth to XIXth dynasty

By: William S. B. Mathews (1837-1912)

Book cover The Masters and their Music A series of illustrative programs with biographical, esthetical, and critical annotations

By: Gordon Stables (1840-1910)

Book cover Aileen Aroon, A Memoir With other Tales of Faithful Friends and Favourites
Book cover The Domestic Cat
Book cover Medical Life in the Navy
Book cover Turkish and Other Baths A Guide to Good Health and Longevity
Book cover In the Land of the Great Snow Bear A Tale of Love and Heroism
Book cover Annie o' the Banks o' Dee
Book cover Harry Milvaine The Wanderings of a Wayward Boy
Book cover As We Sweep Through The Deep
Book cover O'er Many Lands, on Many Seas
Book cover In Touch with Nature Tales and Sketches from the Life
Book cover Crusoes of the Frozen North
Book cover Our Home in the Silver West A Story of Struggle and Adventure

By: Virginia McGaw

Book cover Construction Work for Rural and Elementary Schools

By: Walter Raymond Spalding (1865-1962)

Music: An Art and a Language by Walter Raymond Spalding Music: An Art and a Language

By: Graham Everitt

English Caricaturists and Graphic Humourists of the Nineteenth Century. How they Illustrated and Interpreted their Times. by Graham Everitt English Caricaturists and Graphic Humourists of the Nineteenth Century. How they Illustrated and Interpreted their Times.

By: Arthur L. Hayward

Book cover Lives of the Most Remarkable Criminals Who have been Condemned and Executed for Murder, the Highway, Housebreaking, Street Robberies, Coining or other offences

By: Walter M. Miller (1923-1996)

Book cover Death of a Spaceman

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