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By: Hermann Cäsar Hannibal Schubert (1848-1911)

Book cover Mathematical Essays and Recreations

By: Hiram Bingham (1875-1956)

Inca Lands by Hiram Bingham Inca Lands

Prof. Hiram Bingham of Yale Makes the Greatest Archaeological Discovery of the Age by Locating and Excavating Ruins of Machu Picchu on a Peak in the Andes of Peru.There is nothing new under the sun, they say. That is only relatively true. Just now, when we thought there was practically no portion of the earth's surface still unknown, when the discovery of a single lake or mountain, or the charting of a remote strip of coast line was enough to give a man fame as an explorer, one member of the daredevil explorers' craft has "struck it rich...

By: James Conway Walter

Book cover A History of Horncastle from the earliest period to the present time
Book cover Records of Woodhall Spa and Neighbourhood Historical, Anecdotal, Physiographical, and Archaeological, with Other Matter

By: Florence A. Merriam (1863-1948)

A-Birding on a Bronco by Florence A. Merriam A-Birding on a Bronco

Florence Augusta Merriam Bailey (August 8, 1863 - September 22, 1948) was an American ornithologist and nature writer. She started observing bird behavior at a time when most bird study was based on collections and skins. By 1885, she began to write articles focusing on protecting birds. Her introduction of a birdwatching field guide, aimed at living birds, is considered the first in the tradition of modern bird guides. She wrote the first of these at the age of 26, initially as a series of notes in the Audubon Magazine and later as books. In "A-Birding on a Bronco," she writes an engaging memoir about her several trips to study birds on a ranch in California in the late 1800's.

By: Arthur J. Rees (1872-1942)

The Shrieking Pit by Arthur J. Rees The Shrieking Pit

The Shrieking Pit is one of Arthur Rees's earlier works, and is a good old fashioned murder mystery story. Grant Colwyn, a private detective, is holidaying in East Anglia when he notices a young man at a nearby table behaving peculiarly. The young man later leaves the hotel without paying his bill, and turns up in a nearby hamlet in the Norfolk marshes where he takes lodgings at the village inn. The next day, another guest at the inn is found dead, and the young man is missing. Can Colwyn sort out the mystery and prove the young man's innocence one way or the the other?

By: Mrs. Humphry Ward (1851-1920)

Marcella by Mrs. Humphry Ward Marcella

Mary Augusta Ward was a very popular author at the end of the 19th century. The arrival of Marcella was discussed a lot in the London news papers. This popular novel tells about Marcella Boyce, a beauty of the 1880s, who thinks she truly believes in the values of socialism. A 21-year-old art student, she lives in a boarding house in Kensington until her father inherits Mellor Park, the family estate which is located in the Midlands. She unwillingly leaving her studies, all the things she loves and wants to do, and her friends, and starts her new life at Mellor Park, determined to help the poor people she sees around her...

By: Howard Staunton (1810-1874)

Book cover The Blue Book of Chess Teaching the Rudiments of the Game, and Giving an Analysis of All the Recognized Openings

By: Herbert Silberer (1882-1922)

Book cover Hidden Symbolism of Alchemy and the Occult Arts

By: Bert Leston Taylor (1866-1921)

Book cover The So-called Human Race

By: Thomas Dixon, Jr. (1864-1946)

Book cover Clansman, An Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan

The second book in a trilogy of the Reconstruction era - The Leopard's Spots (1902), The Clansman (1905), and The Traitor (1907), this novel was the basis for the 1915 silent movie classic, "The Birth Of A Nation". Within a fictional story, it records Dixon's understanding of the origins of the first Ku Klux Klan (his uncle was a Grand Titan during Dixon's childhood), recounting why white southerners' began staging vigilante responses to the savage personal insults, political injustices and social cruelties heaped upon them during Reconstruction...

By: Arthur J. Rees (1872-1942)

Book cover The Moon Rock

By: David Graham Phillips (1867-1911)

Book cover Susan Lenox: Her Fall and Rise
Book cover The Grain of Dust
Book cover The Fortune Hunter
Book cover The Plum Tree

By: Thomas Dixon (1864-1946)

Book cover The Southerner A Romance of the Real Lincoln

By: David Graham Phillips (1867-1911)

Book cover The Conflict
Book cover The Price She Paid

By: Thomas Dixon (1864-1946)

Book cover The Victim A romance of the Real Jefferson Davis

By: David Graham Phillips (1867-1911)

Book cover The Great God Success

By: Thomas Dixon (1864-1946)

The Sins of the Father A Romance of the South by Thomas Dixon The Sins of the Father A Romance of the South
Book cover The One Woman
Book cover The Root of Evil
Book cover A Man of the People A Drama of Abraham Lincoln
Book cover The Man in Gray

By: David Graham Phillips (1867-1911)

Book cover The Cost

By: Thomas Dixon (1864-1946)

Book cover The Foolish Virgin

By: David Graham Phillips (1867-1911)

Book cover The Fashionable Adventures of Joshua Craig; a Novel
Book cover The Deluge
Book cover The Second Generation

By: Thomas Dixon (1864-1946)

Comrades A Story of Social Adventure in California by Thomas Dixon Comrades A Story of Social Adventure in California

By: Henry Drummond

Book cover The Greatest Thing in the World and Other Addresses

The spiritual classic The Greatest Thing In the World is a trenchant and tender analysis of Christian love as set forth in the thirteenth chapter of I Corinthians. The other addresses speak to other aspects of Christian life and thought.

By: Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925)

Book cover An Outline of Occult Science

By: James Dabney McCabe (1842-1883)

Book cover Great Fortunes, and How They Were Made
Book cover Lights and Shadows of New York Life or, the Sights and Sensations of the Great City

By: Henry Drummond (1851-1897)

Book cover Natural Law in the Spiritual World
Book cover The Monkey That Would Not Kill

By: Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925)

Book cover Christianity As Mystical Fact And The Mysteries of Antiquity

By: Henry Drummond (1851-1897)

Book cover Beautiful Thoughts
Book cover Addresses
Book cover Eternal Life

By: James Dabney McCabe (1842-1883)

Book cover The Secrets of the Great City

By: Henry Drummond (1851-1897)

Book cover Pax Vobiscum

By: Derek J. de Solla (Derek John de Solla) Price (1922-1983)

On the Origin of Clockwork, Perpetual Motion Devices, and the Compass by Derek J. de Solla (Derek John de Solla) Price On the Origin of Clockwork, Perpetual Motion Devices, and the Compass

By: Daniel Bussier Shumway (1868-)

Book cover The Nibelungenlied

By: Archibald H. Sayce (1845-1933)

Book cover The Religions of Ancient Egypt and Babylonia

By: Frank Belknap Long (1903-1994)

Book cover The Man from Time
Book cover The Mississippi Saucer

By: Archibald H. Sayce (1845-1933)

Book cover Babylonians and Assyrians, Life and Customs
Book cover Patriarchal Palestine

By: Frank Belknap Long (1903-1994)

Book cover The Man the Martians Made
Book cover The Calm Man
Book cover The Sky Trap

By: Archibald H. Sayce (1845-1933)

Book cover Fresh Light from the Ancient Monuments
Book cover Early Israel and the Surrounding Nations
Book cover A Primer of Assyriology

By: Marguerite Stockman Dickson

Vocational Guidance for Girls by Marguerite Stockman Dickson Vocational Guidance for Girls

VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE FOR GIRLSBy MARGUERITE STOCKMAN DICKSONA FOREWORDFortunate are we to have from the pen of Mrs. Dickson a book on the vocational guidance of girls. Mrs. Dickson has the all-round life experiences which give her the kind of training needed for a broad and sympathetic approach to the delicate, intricate, and complex problems of woman's life in the swiftly changing social and industrial world. Mrs. Dickson was a teacher for seven years in the grades in the city of New York. She then became the partner of a superintendent of schools in the business of making a home...

By: Henry Sydnor Harrison (1880-1930)

Book cover Captivating Mary Carstairs
Book cover Queed

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