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By: Frank Harris (1855-1931)

Book cover Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions — Volume 1
Book cover Elder Conklin and Other Stories
Book cover Eatin' Crow; and The Best Man In Garotte
Book cover A Modern Idyll
Book cover The Sheriff And His Partner
Book cover Gulmore, The Boss
Book cover Elder Conklin

By: Edith Howes (1872-1954)

Wonderwings and other Fairy Stories by Edith Howes Wonderwings and other Fairy Stories

A collection of three short stories about fairies, complete with good moral lessons (as every fairy tale should be).

By: St. George Stock (b. 1850)

Stoicism by St. George Stock Stoicism

This short book is part of the Philosophies Ancient and Modern series, which attempts to make Western philosophy more accessible to the general public. In this volume, George Stock provides a concise primer on Stoicism, the ancient philosophy that maintained that the universe is governed entirely by fate, and that humans can achieve happiness only by cultivating a calm acceptance of the vicissitudes of life. Among the Stoics of the Greek and Roman world were its founder, Zeno, the former slave Epictetus, and the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius...

By: Edward Ormondroyd

David and the Phoenix by Edward Ormondroyd David and the Phoenix

David knew that one should be prepared for anything when one climbs a mountain, but he never dreamed what he would find that June morning on the mountain ledge. There stood an enormous bird, with a head like an eagle, a neck like a swan, and a scarlet crest. The most astonishing thing was that the bird had an open book on the ground and was reading from it! This was David’s first sight of the fabulous Phoenix and the beginning of a pleasant and profitable partnership. The Phoenix found a great...

By: Oliver Optic (1822-1897)

The Birthday Party, A Story For Little Folks by Oliver Optic The Birthday Party, A Story For Little Folks

Flora Lee’s birthday came in July. Her mother wished very much to celebrate the occasion in a proper manner. Flora was a good girl, and her parents were always glad to do any thing they could to please her, and to increase her happiness.

Down South or Yacht Adventure in Florida by Oliver Optic Down South or Yacht Adventure in Florida

"Down South" is the fifth and last volume but one of the "Great Western Series." The action of the story is confined entirely to Florida; and this fact may seem to belie the title of the Series. But the young yachtsman still maintains his hold upon the scenes of his earlier life in Michigan, and his letters come regularly from that State. If he were old enough to vote, he could do so only in Michigan; and therefore he has not lost his right to claim a residence there during his temporary sojourn in the South...

Up the River by Oliver Optic Up the River

Up the River is the sixth and last of “The Great Western Series.” The events of the story occur on the coast of Florida, in the Gulf of Mexico, and on the Mississippi River. The volume and the series close with the return of the hero, by a route not often taken by tourists, to his home in Michigan. His voyaging on the ocean, the Great Lakes, and the Father of Waters, is finished for the present; but the writer believes that his principal character has grown wiser and better since he was first introduced to the reader...

Book cover A Spelling-Book for Advanced Classes
Book cover Within The Enemy's Lines
Book cover Across India Or, Live Boys in the Far East
Book cover Brother Against Brother The War on the Border
Book cover On The Blockade
Book cover The Yacht Club or The Young Boat-Builder
Book cover Stand By The Union
Book cover Fighting for the Right
Book cover Taken by the Enemy
Book cover Outward BoundOr, Young America Afloat
Book cover A Lieutenant at Eighteen
Book cover Poor and Proud, or the Fortunes of Katy Redburn: a Story for Young Folks
Book cover Breaking Away or The Fortunes of a Student
Book cover An Undivided Union
Book cover Seek and Find or The Adventures of a Smart Boy
Book cover Up The Baltic Young America in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark
Book cover The Young Lieutenant or, The Adventures of an Army Officer
Book cover A Victorious Union
Book cover Four Young Explorers or, Sight-Seeing in the Tropics

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