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By: Clara Erskine Clement Waters (1834-1916)

Book cover A History of Art for Beginners and Students Painting, Sculpture, Architecture

By: Coulson Kernahan (1858-1943)

Visions by Coulson Kernahan Visions

Deeper questions of life and death, and of God’s relationship to man, are explored in this collection of “dreams” by a noted English novelist and literary critic. A man takes an uncertain step into the next world as his life ends – Defendants at the Last Judgment hurl their own accusations at the Judge – An angel arrives on Christmas Eve to guide one soul through a night of despair and doubt – Flowers in a garden contemplate their own mortality – What would it mean if the world renounced Christ, or God took Christ away from the world? – And in a world of the future, pleasure and luxury are pursued … and children are nowhere to be found. (Introduction by D. Leeson)

By: Zacharias Ursinus (1534-1583)

Book cover The Heidelberg Catechism

The Heidelberg Catechism is a Protestant confessional document taking the form of a series of questions and answers, for use in teaching Reformed Christian doctrine. It has been translated into many languages and is regarded as one of the most influential of the Reformed catechisms.The Heidelberg Catechism is one of the three Reformed confessions that form the doctrinal basis of the original Reformed church in The Netherlands, and is recognized as such also by the Dutch Reformed churches that originated from that church during and since the 19th century...

By: Douglas Fairbanks (1883-1939)

Book cover Laugh and Live

Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. (May 23, 1883 – December 12, 1939) was an American actor, screenwriter, director and producer. He was best known for his swashbuckling roles in silent films such as The Thief of Baghdad, Robin Hood, and The Mark of Zorro. His book, Laugh and Live, is a book about positive virtues and advice for leading a good, healthy, and successful life. An advisory about this book is in order. Published in 1917, it was written at a time when “men went to work, women kept house, and supported their man”...

By: Ernest Rhys (1859-1946)

Book cover The Haunters & The Haunted Ghost Stories And Tales Of The Supernatural
Book cover Frederic Lord Leighton An Illustrated Record of His Life and Work
Book cover A Century of English Essays An Anthology Ranging from Caxton to R. L. Stevenson & the Writers of Our Own Time

By: Albert Bigelow Paine (1861-1937)

Book cover The Hollow Tree Snowed-In
Book cover Dwellers in Arcady The Story of an Abandoned Farm
Book cover Hollow Tree Nights and Days
Book cover The Tent Dwellers
Book cover The Autobiography of a Monkey
Book cover The Car That Went Abroad Motoring Through the Golden Age
Book cover The Arkansaw Bear A Tale of Fanciful Adventure
Book cover Mr. Rabbit's Wedding Hollow Tree Stories
Making Up with Mr. Dog Hollow Tree Stories by Albert Bigelow Paine Making Up with Mr. Dog Hollow Tree Stories
Book cover The Van Dwellers A Strenuous Quest for a Home
Book cover The Bread Line A Story of a Paper
Book cover Mr. Turtle's Flying Adventure Hollow Tree Stories
Book cover The Ship Dwellers A Story of a Happy Cruise
Book cover The Mystery of Evelin Delorme A Hypnotic Story

By: Katharine Newlin Burt (1882-1977)

Snow-Blind by Katharine Newlin Burt Snow-Blind

A bit of a menage-a-quatre in a remote cabin in the wilderness as fugitive Hugh, his younger brother Pete, nursemaid and cook Bella, and now the newly arrived snow-blinded young Sylvie who had been snatched from near death in the snow by the heroic but moody Hugh. Because of her blindness, Sylvie is led to believe her rescuer to be a handsome and dashing hero; his younger brother to be but a young lad of 14; and Bella a matronly old maid. But Sylvie would, in time, form her own image of the clan and attempt to bring them together as they were destined to be split apart...

The Branding Iron by Katharine Newlin Burt The Branding Iron

From the cold and mountainous regions of Wyoming to the bright lights of the big city, The Branding Iron is the story of a remarkable woman, Joan Carver. Born of poor means, at a fairly young age Joan decides to leave her father and strike out on her own, but she is to face more difficulties and hardships than she had reckoned for, and the men she encounters on her way share different means of dealing with her; and she of them. She becomes her own individual, with a strong will and a determination to lead her life as she sees fit. As with many of Ms. Burt's stories, The Branding Iron is filled with unexpected surprises at each turn.

By: Richard Hakluyt (1552-1616)

Book cover The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 01
Book cover Discovery of Muscovy
Book cover Voyages in Search of the North-West Passage
Book cover Voyager's Tales

By: Katharine Newlin Burt (1882-1977)

Book cover Hidden Creek

By: Hugo Ziemann

Book cover The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) Cooking, Toilet and Household Recipes, Menus, Dinner-Giving

By: Hannah Trager (1870-1943)

Pictures of Jewish Home-Life Fifty Years Ago by Hannah Trager Pictures of Jewish Home-Life Fifty Years Ago

Hannah Trager published Pictures of Jewish Home-Life Fifty Years Ago in 1926, so the book is a portrait of day to day life for a Jewish family in Jerusalem around 1876. In each chapter, Mr. Jacobs reads a letter from his cousins living in Jerusalem many years earlier, each one teaching his family and friends about a different holiday or tradition of their people. (Introduction by wildemoose)

By: Cyrus Thomas (1825-1910)

Book cover Day Symbols of the Maya Year Sixteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1894-1895, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1897, pages 199-266.

By: Filson Young (1876-1938)

Book cover Christopher Columbus and the New World of His Discovery
Book cover Titanic

By: Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson (1832-1910)

Book cover Stories by Foreign Authors: Scandinavian

By: Cyrus Thomas (1825-1910)

Book cover The Problem of the Ohio Mounds

By: Filson Young (1876-1938)

Book cover The Relief of Mafeking How it Was Accomplished by Mahon's Flying Column; with an Account of Some Earlier Episodes in the Boer War of 1899-1900

By: Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson (1832-1910)

Book cover Happy Boy

"A Happy Boy" was written in 1859 and 1860. It is, in my estimation, Bjørnson's best story of peasant life. In it the author has succeeded in drawing the characters with remarkable distinctness, while his profound psychological insight, his perfectly artless simplicity of style, and his thorough sympathy with the hero and his surroundings are nowhere more apparent. This view is sustained by the great popularity of "A Happy Boy" throughout Scandinavia. (From the Preface) Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1903.

Book cover Absalom's Hair
Book cover Three Dramas
Book cover Three Comedies

By: Filson Young (1876-1938)

Book cover Quotes and Images from Christopher Columbus

By: Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson (1832-1910)

Magnhild Dust by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson Magnhild Dust
Book cover Arne; A Sketch of Norwegian Country Life
Book cover The Bridal March; One Day
Book cover Mary
Book cover Captain Mansana & Mother's Hands

By: Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952)

Book cover Autobiography of a Yogi

By: Alonzo Reed (1899-)

Book cover Graded Lessons in English An Elementary English Grammar Consisting of One Hundred Practical Lessons, Carefully Graded and Adapted to the Class-Room

By: Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924)

Book cover The New Freedom A Call For the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People

By: Alonzo Reed (1899-)

Book cover Higher Lessons in English A work on English grammar and composition

By: Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924)

Book cover Why We Are at War : Messages to the Congress January to April 1917
Book cover On Being Human
Book cover President Wilson's Addresses
Book cover When a Man Comes to Himself
Congressional Government A Study in American Politics by Woodrow Wilson Congressional Government A Study in American Politics
Book cover State of the Union Address
Book cover In Our First Year of the War Messages and Addresses to the Congress and the People, March 5, 1917 to January 6, 1918

By: Lodovico Ariosto (1474-1533)

Book cover Orlando Furioso

By: Vaughan Kester (1869-1911)

The Just And The Unjust by Vaughan Kester The Just And The Unjust

Framed for a murder he did not commit, John North must rely on his friends to help clear him of the charge. But, are they really his friends? Many have dirty little secrets they wish to keep private, even at the expense of John North’s life. Ironically, those keeping quiet include members of the legal profession. Only one drunken man knows the true identity of the killer but he has mysteriously disappeared. Deceit and betrayal flourish in this story, with a tense conclusion. (Introduction by Tom Weiss)

Book cover The Prodigal Judge

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