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By: Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867)

Book cover Declaration

Nathaniel Parker Willis is also known as N. P. Willis. He was an American author, poet and editor who worked with several notable American writers including Edgar Allan Poe and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. He became the highest-paid magazine writer of his day.

By: Frederick A. Ober (1849-1913)

Book cover "Old Put" The Patriot

By: Otto K. Wohlers

Book cover A Course In Wood Turning

By: Bradford Torrey (1843-1912)

A Florida Sketch-Book by Bradford Torrey A Florida Sketch-Book

This is a series of late-19th Century essays about Florida’s flora & fauna written by a Massachusetts-based naturalist.

By: Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing (1841-1885)

Book cover The Brownies and Other Tales
Book cover Six to Sixteen A Story for Girls
Book cover The Peace Egg and Other tales
Book cover Brothers of Pity and Other Tales of Beasts and Men
Book cover Mary's Meadow And Other Tales of Fields and Flowers
Book cover Miscellanea
Book cover Jackanapes, Daddy Darwin's Dovecot and Other Stories
Book cover Melchior's Dream and Other Tales
Book cover We and the World, Part I A Book for Boys
Book cover Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances
Book cover Last Words A Final Collection of Stories
Book cover A Flat Iron for a Farthing or Some Passages in the Life of an only Son

By: Bradford Torrey (1843-1912)

Book cover Birds in the Bush

By: Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing (1841-1885)

The Land of Lost Toys by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing The Land of Lost Toys
Book cover We and the World, Part II A Book for Boys
Book cover A Great Emergency and Other Tales

By: Bradford Torrey (1843-1912)

Book cover The Foot-path Way

By: Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing (1841-1885)

Book cover Jackanapes

By: Bradford Torrey (1843-1912)

A Rambler's lease by Bradford Torrey A Rambler's lease

By: Anne Wales Abbott ed. (1808-1908)

Autumn Leaves, Original Pieces in Prose and Verse by Anne Wales Abbott ed. Autumn Leaves, Original Pieces in Prose and Verse

The pieces gathered into this volume were, with two exceptions, written for the entertainment of a private circle, without any view to publication. The editor would express her thanks to the writers, who, at her solicitation, have allowed them to be printed. They are published with the hope of aiding a work of charity,—the establishment of an Agency for the benefit of the poor in Cambridge,—to which the proceeds of the sale will be devoted.

By: George de Horne Vaizey (1857-1917)

Book cover A College Girl
Book cover About Peggy Saville
Book cover A Girl in Spring-Time
Book cover Sisters Three
Book cover Betty Trevor
Book cover The Independence of Claire
Book cover More About Peggy
Book cover The Heart of Una Sackville
Book cover An Unknown Lover
Book cover Big Game A Story for Girls
Book cover Etheldreda the Ready A School Story
Book cover The Fortunes of the Farrells
Book cover A Houseful of Girls
Book cover The Daughters of a Genius
Book cover Lady Cassandra
Book cover What a Man Wills
Book cover A Question of Marriage

By: Amy Ella Blanchard (1856-1926)

A Sweet Little Maid by Amy Ella Blanchard A Sweet Little Maid

Dimple, the nine-year-old little girl is accustomed to being always the first. She has Bubbles, a little coloured girl as playmate and servant. One day Dimple’s cousin, Florence comes to visit her and they have a wonderful time together. But then come the rainy days and the two children easily get bored in the house… and that’s how the adventures and troubles begin.

A Dear Little Girl's Thanksgiving Holidays by Amy Ella Blanchard A Dear Little Girl's Thanksgiving Holidays
Book cover A Dear Little Girl at School
Book cover Three Little Cousins
A Dear Little Girl by Amy Ella Blanchard A Dear Little Girl

By: Arthur B. Reeve (1880-1936)

Book cover The Best Ghost Stories

By: Edwin F. Benson (1867-1940)

Book cover Crescent and Iron Cross
Book cover Daisy's Aunt
Book cover Michael
Book cover The Blotting Book

By: Arthur B. Reeve (1880-1936)

Book cover The Romance of Elaine Sequel to "Exploits of Elaine"
Book cover The Treasure-Train
Book cover Poisoned Pen

The many adventures of Professor Craig Kennedy were chronicled by Arthur B. Reeve (October 15, 1880 - August 9, 1936). Reeve was an American mystery writer who created 82 Craig Kennedy mystery stories. The stories have a very Sherlock Holmes type feel, In fact Kennedy has been referred to as the "American Sherlock Holmes". Along with his reporter friend, Walter Jameson, Kennedy solves many crimes and unveils mysteries using science. This book contains twelve of Professor Kennedy's adventures. The interesting thing about these stories is Kennedy uses newly discovered science from his time period, which we take for granted today...

Book cover The War Terror
Book cover The Poisoned Pen

By: Bhakti Seva

Book cover The Hindu Book of Astrology

Each person is born in or under one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac and is thus influenced throughout life by the planetary conditions at their time of birth. By referring to your sign, which is indicated by your date and month of birth you can determine your natural tendencies and what is best for you to attract. No matter what one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac you are born under, you can develop into a good and successful person if you will pay strict attention to the golden truths printed in this book. (Bhakti Seva)

By: James Brendan Connolly (1868-1957)

The Trawler by James Brendan Connolly The Trawler

The Trawler is a short story revolving around the trying life of a group of bank fishermen based in Gloucester. Skipper Hugh Glynn worked his men hard; some said too hard, and Arthur Snow was one who had paid the ultimate price.Arthur's close friend Simon Kippen decided he'd ask to take the place of his fallen friend aboard Hugh Glynn's vessel as a dory mate, and from there we have a tale of the open seas between Gloucester and Newfoundland where perhaps only the names and locations have changed from the countless stories of similar nature; the key being that this one, however, is first hand.

By: William C. Hunter

Book cover Pep: Poise, Efficiency, Peace

Colonel William Crosbie Hunter was a businessman and self-help writer who was moderately popular in the early 20th century. His books set forth his personal philosophy on health, happiness, human relations, and success in the business world. Pep, billed as "A book of how's not why's for physical and mental efficiency," was published in 1914 and went through several editions. (Introduction by Pleonic)

By: Edward Lasker (1885-1981)

Book cover Chess Strategy

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