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By: William Eleroy Curtis (1850-1911)

Book cover Modern India

By: William Loftus Hare

Book cover Watts (1817-1904)

By: William Edward Maxwell (1846-1897)

Book cover A Manual of the Malay language With an Introductory Sketch of the Sanskrit Element in Malay

By: Paul Klapper (1885-1952)

Book cover College Teaching Studies in Methods of Teaching in the College

By: Graham Lusk (1866-1932)

Book cover Food in War Time

By: Henry Harris Jessup (1832-1910)

Book cover The Women of the Arabs

By: George Henry Blore (1870-)

Book cover Victorian Worthies Sixteen Biographies

By: Maud Lindsay (1874-1941)

Book cover Mother Stories

"I have endeavored to write, for mothers and dear little children, a few simple stories, embodying some of the truths of Froebel's Mother Play...Most of these stories have been told and retold to little children, and are surrounded, in my eyes, by a halo of listening faces" from the Preface to Mother Stories by Maud Lindsay

By: Edward William Bok (1863-1930)

Book cover The Americanization of Edward Bok : the autobiography of a Dutch boy fifty years after

By: Lawrence J. Leslie

Book cover With Trapper Jim in the North Woods

By: James Causey

Book cover Teething Ring

By: Leigh Hunt (1784-1859)

Book cover Stories from the Italian Poets: with Lives of the Writers, Volume 1

By: James Causey

Book cover Competition

By: Hugh Miller (1802-1856)

Book cover The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed

By: Maud Lindsay (1874-1941)

Book cover Story-teller

Are you a story teller? Almost all of us are, you know. Well, these 12 stories were written by Maud Lindsay to be told by someone who can weave the magic thread of speech into a performance that will hold the children spellbound. And we don't need to be perfect, just willing to tell a story; that is really all children ask, someone willing to tell a story. 8 of Librivox's Story tellers have volunteered to tell these enchanting tales (and sometimes sing the sweet little melodies that are included...

By: Edward William Bok (1863-1930)

Book cover A Dutch Boy Fifty Years After

By: Hugh Miller (1802-1856)

Book cover My Schools and Schoolmasters or The Story of my Education.

By: Mabell S. C. Smith (1864-1942)

Book cover Ethel Morton's Enterprise

By: Edward FitzGerald (1809-1883)

Book cover Letters of Edward FitzGerald in two volumes, Vol. 1

By: Hugh Miller (1802-1856)

Book cover The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland

By: Hildegard G. (Hildegard Gertrude) Frey (1891-1957)

Book cover The Camp Fire Girls at School Or, The Wohelo Weavers

By: Mabell S. C. Smith (1864-1942)

Book cover Ethel Morton at Rose House

By: Hugh Miller (1802-1856)

Book cover Leading Articles on Various Subjects

By: Mabell S. C. Smith (1864-1942)

Book cover Ethel Morton and the Christmas Ship

By: Hildegard G. (Hildegard Gertrude) Frey (1891-1957)

Book cover The Camp Fire Girls Do Their Bit Or, over the Top with the Winnebagos

By: James Causey

Felony by James Causey Felony

By: Mabell S. C. Smith (1864-1942)

Book cover Ethel Morton's Holidays

By: Hildegard G. (Hildegard Gertrude) Frey (1891-1957)

Book cover The Camp Fire Girls in the Maine Woods Or, The Winnebagos Go Camping

By: Mabell S. C. Smith (1864-1942)

Book cover A Tar-Heel Baron

By: Edward William Bok (1863-1930)

Book cover The Young Man in Business

By: Hildegard G. (Hildegard Gertrude) Frey (1891-1957)

Book cover The Camp Fire Girls Go Motoring Or, Along the Road That Leads the Way
Book cover The Camp Fire Girls at Camp Keewaydin Or, Paddles Down
The Camp Fire Girls on the Open Road or, Glorify Work by Hildegard G. (Hildegard Gertrude) Frey The Camp Fire Girls on the Open Road or, Glorify Work
Book cover The Camp Fire Girls at Onoway House or, The Magic Garden

By: Mabell S. C. Smith (1864-1942)

Ethel Morton at Sweetbriar Lodge by Mabell S. C. Smith Ethel Morton at Sweetbriar Lodge

By: Lawrence J. Leslie

Book cover At Whispering Pine Lodge
Book cover Afloat on the Flood

By: Hildegard G. (Hildegard Gertrude) Frey (1891-1957)

Book cover The Campfire Girls on Ellen's Isle The Trail of the Seven Cedars

By: Lawrence J. Leslie

Book cover The Strange Cabin on Catamount Island

By: Stijn Streuvels (1871-1969)

Book cover The Path of Life

By: Lawrence J. Leslie

Book cover Chums of the Camp Fire
Book cover In Camp on the Big Sunflower

By: Mabell S. C. Smith (1864-1942)

Book cover Ethel Morton at Chautauqua

By: Frederic George Trayes (1871-)

Book cover Five Months on a German Raider Being the Adventures of an Englishman Captured by the 'Wolf'

By: P. Chalmers (Peter Chalmers) Mitchell (1864-1945)

Book cover Thomas Henry Huxley; A Sketch Of His Life And Work

By: Mario Uchard (1824-1893)

Book cover French and Oriental Love in a Harem

By: Walt [Illustrator] Louderback

Book cover The Boy Scouts Book of Stories

By: J. C. (Jens Christian) Aaberg (1877-1970)

Book cover Hymns and Hymnwriters of Denmark

By: Archibald Henry Grimké (1849-1930)

Book cover William Lloyd Garrison The Abolitionist

By: Carl Lotus Becker (1873-1945)

Book cover Beginnings of the American People

By: Gilbert Murray (1866-1957)

Book cover Five Stages of Greek Religion

By: Shepherd Knapp

Book cover The Christmas Dinner

By: Alfred Gatty (1809-1873)

Book cover The Fairy Godmothers and Other Tales

By: Max Pemberton (1863-1950)

Book cover The Iron Pirate A Plain Tale of Strange Happenings on the Sea

By: Charles Amory Beach

Book cover Air Service Boys Over The Rhine Fighting Above The Clouds

By: Mabel Quiller-Couch (1866-1924)

Book cover Cornwall's Wonderland

By: Alfred Gatty (1813-1903)

Book cover A Key to Lord Tennyson's 'In Memoriam'

By: Shepherd Knapp

Book cover Down the Chimney

By: Gilbert Murray (1866-1957)

Book cover Euripides and His Age

By: Charles Amory Beach

Book cover Air Service Boys Flying for Victory or, Bombing the Last German Stronghold

By: Margaret Gatty (1809-1873)

Book cover Aunt Judy's Tales

This is a collection of six short stories by Margaret Gatty, writing as Mrs. Alfred Gatty. All told by 'an elder girl' in a large family to the 8 little ones gathered around. "There is not a more charming sight in the domestic world, than that of an elder girl in a large family, amusing what are called the little ones. "How could mamma have ventured upon that cosy nap in the arm-chair by the fire, if she had been harassed by wondering what the children were about? Whereas, as it was, she had overheard No...

By: Shepherd Knapp

Book cover Up the Chimney

By: Charles Amory Beach

Book cover Air Service Boys in the Big Battle Or, Silencing the Big Guns

By: Max Pemberton (1863-1950)

Book cover Aladdin of London or, Lodestar
Book cover The House Under the Sea A Romance

By: Mabel Quiller-Couch (1866-1924)

Book cover The Making of Mona

By: Max Pemberton (1863-1950)

Book cover The Man Who Drove the Car

By: Charles Amory Beach

Book cover Air Service Boys Over The Enemy's Lines The German Spy's Secret

By: Max Pemberton (1863-1950)

The Lady Evelyn A Story of To-day by Max Pemberton The Lady Evelyn A Story of To-day

By: Charles Amory Beach

Book cover Air Service Boys over the Atlantic

By: Mabel Quiller-Couch (1866-1924)

Book cover Better than Play
Book cover Dick and Brownie
Book cover Anxious Audrey

By: Gilbert Murray (1866-1957)

Book cover The United States and the War

By: Mabel Quiller-Couch (1866-1924)

Book cover Kitty Trenire

By: Max Pemberton (1863-1950)

Book cover The Great White Army

By: Gilbert Murray (1866-1957)

The Story of Nefrekepta from a demotic papyrus by Gilbert Murray The Story of Nefrekepta from a demotic papyrus

By: Mabel Quiller-Couch (1866-1924)

Book cover The Carroll Girls

By: Archibald Henry Grimké (1849-1930)

Book cover Right on the Scaffold, or The Martyrs of 1822 The American Negro Academy. Occasional Papers No. 7
Book cover Charles Sumner Centenary The American Negro Academy. Occasional Papers No. 14

By: Mabel Quiller-Couch (1866-1924)

Book cover The Story of Jessie
Book cover Paul the Courageous

By: Archibald Henry Grimké (1849-1930)

Book cover The Ultimate Criminal

By: Gilbert Murray (1866-1957)

Book cover Great Britain's Sea Policy A Reply to an American Critic reprinted from 'The Atlantic Monthly'

By: Archibald Henry Grimké (1849-1930)

Book cover Modern Industrialism and the Negroes of the United States The American Negro Academy, Occasional Papers No. 12
Book cover The Ballotless Victim of One-Party Governments The American Negro Academy, Occasional Papers No. 16

By: Richard Falckenberg

Book cover History of Modern Philosophy From Nicolas of Cusa to the Present Time

By: Martí Joan de Galba (-1490)

Book cover The White Knight: Tirant Lo Blanc

By: Alfred M. (Alfred Marston) Tozzer (1877-1954)

Book cover Animal Figures in the Maya Codices

By: Joseph Fort Newton (1876-1950)

Book cover The Builders A Story and Study of Masonry

By: Zénaïde A. (Zénaïde Alexeïevna) Ragozin (1835-1924)

Book cover Chaldea From the Earliest Times to the Rise of Assyria

By: L. de (Lillie de) Hegermann-Lindencrone (1844-1928)

Book cover The Sunny Side of Diplomatic Life, 1875-1912

By: Joseph I. Gorfinkle (1880-)

Book cover Pirke Avot Sayings of the Jewish Fathers

By: Leander S. Keyser (1856-1937)

Book cover Birds of the Rockies

By: Otto Hermann Kahn (1867-1934)

Book cover High Finance

By: Etienne-Léon Lamothe-Langon (1786-1864)

Book cover Memoirs of the Comtesse Du Barry; with intimate details of her entire career as favorite of Louis XV

By: Lillian Eichler Watson (1902-)

Book of Etiquette Volume I by Lillian Eichler Watson Book of Etiquette Volume I

By: W. D. (William Douw) Lighthall (1857-1954)

Book cover An Account of the Battle of Chateauguay Being a Lecture Delivered at Ormstown, March 8th, 1889

By: William L. Stidger (1885-1949)

Book cover Soldier Silhouettes on our Front
Book cover Flash-lights from the Seven Seas

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