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By: Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916)

Book cover Sielanka: An Idyll

By: Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823-1901)

Book cover The Two Guardians or, Home in This World
Book cover Young Folks' History of Rome
Book cover Aunt Charlotte's Stories of Greek History
Book cover The Chosen People A Compendium of Sacred and Church History for School-Children
Book cover Heir of Redclyffe

The Heir of Redclyffe (1853) was the first of Charlotte M. Yonge's bestselling romantic novels. Its religious tone derives from the High Church background of her family and from her friendship with a leading figure in the Oxford Movement, John Keble, who closely supervised the writing of the book. The germ of its plot was suggested by her friend Marianne Dyson.

Book cover Clever Woman of the Family
Book cover Two Penniless Princesses
Book cover A Book of Golden Deeds
Sowing and Sewing A Sexagesima Story by Charlotte Mary Yonge Sowing and Sewing A Sexagesima Story
Book cover Abbeychurch
Book cover Unknown to History: a story of the captivity of Mary of Scotland
Book cover The Caged Lion
Book cover Young Folks' History of England
Book cover Armourer's Prentices

Set in the sixteenth century, two young boys are left orphans and are turned out of their home by their older brother, or, more particularly, his shrewish wife. John has taken over their father's position as verdurer, but what are young Ambrose and Stephen to do? Visit and seek counsel from their old and infirm uncle, who lives on charity after leading a military life? Or chase the dream of finding their ne'er-do-well maternal uncle, who has reputedly made his fortune in the king's court.

Book cover The Chaplet of Pearls
Book cover The Prince and the Page; a story of the last crusade
Book cover The Three Brides
Book cover Heartsease, Or, the Brother's Wife
Book cover Beechcroft at Rockstone
Book cover Pioneers and Founders or, Recent Workers in the Mission field
Book cover The Young Step-Mother
Book cover Magnum Bonum
Book cover Countess Kate
Book cover Hopes and Fears or, scenes from the life of a spinster
Book cover The Long Vacation
Book cover Love and Life An Old Story in Eighteenth Century Costume
Book cover Cameos from English History, from Rollo to Edward II
Book cover Old Times at Otterbourne
Book cover That Stick
Book cover The Carbonels
Book cover A Modern Telemachus
Book cover The Pillars of the House, V1
Book cover Grisly Grisell
Book cover The Pigeon Pie
Book cover John Keble's Parishes
Book cover Friarswood Post Office
Book cover A Reputed Changeling Or Three Seventh Years Two Centuries Ago
Book cover Lady Hester, or, Ursula's Narrative
Book cover Henrietta's Wish Or, Domineering
Book cover Stray Pearls
Book cover Under the Storm
Book cover The Stokesley Secret
Book cover Nuttie's Father
Book cover Chantry House
Book cover Dynevor Terrace: or, the clue of life — Volume 2
Book cover Scenes and Characters
Book cover The Two Sides of the Shield
Book cover Life of John Coleridge Patteson : Missionary Bishop of the Melanesian Islands
Book cover More Bywords
Book cover My Young Alcides
Book cover Little Lucy's Wonderful Globe
Book cover Modern Broods
Book cover The Herd Boy and His Hermit
Book cover Dynevor Terrace: or, the clue of life — Volume 1

By: Susan Glaspell (1876-1948)

Book cover Trifles

On the surface, this short play is a slice-of-life story about a murder investigation in the rural United States. However, it is also a story about the relationships between men and women, husbands and wives, and the often-overlooked "trifles" which can say so much about a person's life.

By: Amy le Feuvre (d.1929)

Probable Sons by Amy le Feuvre Probable Sons

Little Milly is left an orphan after the death of her mother and sent to live with her bachelor uncle, who has no use for children, especially of the female variety. As the days go by, his heart warms to his endearing niece who wants all probable sons to come home, including her very own probable uncle.

By: Susan Glaspell

Fidelity by Susan Glaspell Fidelity

The small Midwestern town of Freeport was scandalized years ago when Ruth Holland, then a young girl, ran away to the West with a married man. Now that she's returned home to take care of her dying father, she faces some hard truths about who her true friends are and where her life is headed.

Book cover Lifted Masks

In this collection of short stories, Susan Glaspell examines the unique character of America and its people.

By: Amy LeFeuvre (1861-1929)

Teddy's Button by Amy LeFeuvre Teddy's Button

Teddy loves to tell the story of how his father heroically died on the battlefield and guards his button jealously. But this brings contention and strife when a new girl comes to town. Teddy begins to learn what it means to be a soldier under Christ, his Captain.

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