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The Intrusion of Jimmy

The Intrusion of Jimmy by P. G. Wodehouse
By: (1881-1975)

"The Intrusion of Jimmy" is a humorous and light-hearted novel by P. G. Wodehouse that follows the misadventures of the lovable yet bumbling protagonist, Jimmy Pitt. The story is filled with quirky characters, witty dialogue, and absurd situations that will have readers laughing out loud.

Wodehouse's writing is witty and engaging, making it easy to become immersed in the world he has created. The character of Jimmy Pitt is endearing and relatable, despite his tendency to find himself in ridiculous predicaments. The supporting cast of characters adds to the comedy, with each one bringing their own unique charm to the story.

Overall, "The Intrusion of Jimmy" is a delightful read that is sure to entertain fans of classic comedic writing. Wodehouse's clever humor and cleverly crafted plot make this a must-read for anyone looking for a light-hearted escape from reality.

Book Description:
The action begins with playboy bachelor Jimmy Pitt in New York; having fallen in love on a transatlantic liner, he befriends a small-time burglar and breaks into a police captain's house as a result of a bet. The cast of characters head to England, and from there on it is a typically Wodehousian romantic farce, set at the stately Dreever Castle, overflowing with imposters, detectives, crooks, scheming lovers and conniving aunts.

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